About me

I am currently a research fellow at the University of Oulu (Finland), and holder of the Horizons Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action European Fellowship (MSCA-EF) “Dimension and Dynamics” that investigates the interplay between dimension theory, dynamical systems, embeddability, as well as probability theory.

From September 2024 I will be an Associate Professor (Universitetslektor) at Uppsala University.

Since 2023, I hold the title of docent (dosentti, equivalent to habilitation) and have previously held positions at the University of Vienna (Austria) and the University of Waterloo (Canada). I completed my doctorate at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) under the supervision of Kenneth Falconer and Mike Todd.


Recent announcements of conferences and other news items. See the “News” tab for a full list.

Appointment at Uppsala University

Appointment at Uppsala University

I am excited to announce that from September 2024, I am joining the Department of Mathematics at Uppsala University as Associate Professor (Universitetslektor) with specialisation in Probability Theory. I will be working in the research groups in Probability Theory and Dynamical Systems.

The move follows at the end of my tenure as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the University of Oulu. After two years of living in the arctic, I am looking forward to moving south and working on my tan again.

Fields Institute Mini Course

Fields Institute Mini Course

I am currently at the Fields Institute as part of the Randomness and Geometry thematic programme and will give a series of lectures on basic concepts in fractal geometry. The mini-course will be mostly concerned with the dimension theory of self-similar and self-conformal sets.

The lectures can also be followed on Zoom, see here for the schedule and link.

Conference: Geometry and Fractals under the Midnight Sun

Conference: Geometry and Fractals under the Midnight Sun

Together with Roope Anttila, Antti Käenmäki, and Ville Suomala, I am organising a conference on the interplay of Geometric Measure Theory, Dynamical Systems, and Probability Theory.

The conference will be held on 25 – 28 June 2024 at the University of Oulu in Oulu, Finland. Deadline for registration is at the end of May.

One World Fractals

One World Fractals

In October 2022, Jonathan Fraser, Thomas Jordan, Natalia Jurga, Antti Käenmäki, Henna Koivusalo, and I started a bimestrial online seminar in fractal geometry and adjacent fields. More information can be found on its webpage: www.oneworldfractals.org.