

Workshops, Conferences, and Seminars (that I heard of)

See also:


PhD Students

Other Mathematicians

Below is a rather long list of some mathematicians working in Fractal Geometry and related fields such as: Dynamical Systems, Geometric Measure Theory, Probability, etc.1 This list has grown significantly in recent years and will eventually subdivided into rough topics. For now: good luck!

Some other helpful(?) links:

Older Workshops, Conferences, and Seminars (that I was involved in)

  • One Day Workshop on Shrinking Target sets (University of Oulu, 24 January 2024): webpage.
  • One World Fractals (Since September 2022):
  • Remote Colloquium of the Finnish Mathematical Society (Since October 2023): webpage.
  • Workshop on affine and overlapping iterated function systems (University of Bristol, 10 – 12 May 2022): webpage.

  1. Some links may have broken. Feel free to email me about them, as well as obvious omissions ↩︎